The Top 10 Foods You Have To Eat In Paris (Part 2)

Write By: fait a main PARIS Published In: FOOD & WINE Created Date: 2018-01-18 Hits: 7829 Comment: 0

The Top 10 Foods You Have To Eat In Paris (Part 2) 

If you ever have the amazing opportunity to visit Paris, this can serve as your gastronomic guide. With so many options and so little time to spend in city of lights, this list highlights the Top 10 Foods you have to eat in Paris!

6.     MACARONS 

The French macaron is said to have been invented by Laduree in the early 20th Century. But please don't miss the Pierre Herme's one.  The macaron itself is the delicate, sweet, meringue-like shell that sandwiches some sort of ganache, buttercream, or jam filling.  Plan on stopping by one or both of these macaron meccas while in Paris!



The food, the wine, the service, the ambience… enjoying a splurge dinner is an experience that you will not soon forget. Besides having unbelievably great food, these restaurants have amazing natural wine lists with bottles for anyone's price range.  


8.      WINE BAR

Serves up amazing natural wine and unbelievably good little plates (i.e. tapas / hors d'oeuvres) within a tiny, casual, standing-only bar.  Look up at the ceiling for the menu…Then nestle up to the bar and enjoy the communal bread, Bordier butter, and pickles.



Who would have thought Paris had best falafel PITA sandwiches in the world! It layered perfectly, so that every bite contains equal parts of falafel, roasted eggplant, tahini sauce, pickled cucumbers, red cabbage, and sauce piquante.


10.      DESSERT (Crème Brulee, Crepe, Souffle & Gelato)

Paris is full of amazing desserts. please don’t miss out the Gelato, Souffle, Crepe, and Crème Brulee). The crepe filled with whatever you fancy!  The Crème Brulee was perfectly cooked and had a hint of unexpected lavender.


Sources: Internet

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