The Top 10 Foods You Have To Eat In Paris (Part 1)

Write By: fait a main PARIS Published In: FOOD & WINE Created Date: 2018-01-08 Hits: 7041 Comment: 0

The Top 10 Foods You Have To Eat In Paris (Part 1) 

If you ever have the amazing opportunity to visit Paris, this can serve as your gastronomic guide. With so many options ad so little time to spend in city of lights, this list highlights the Top 10 Foods you have to eat in Paris!


Words do not describe how good the caramels are from Patricks Roger and Jacques Genin. Amazing in textures, rich in buttery flavor.


Le Beurre Bordier will revolutionize your current standard of butter. It will seriously blow your minds. Bordier butter is amazingly super smooth and rich in flavor. People will literally eat loaves and loaves of bread just to eat more of this butter.


While you are in Paris, please take advantage of the superior breads and baked goods. No matter where you buy a baguette, make sure it has pointed ends, a sign that the bread was made by hand. If the ends are rounded, it typically means the bread was machine made and inferior quality.


There is no shortage of great chocolate in Paris. You can experiences many good chocolatiers in Paris. To narrow it down, what you need to eat: Well-renowned for amazing caramels, Jacques Genin also has awesome chocolate. And don’t forget to have MOF Chocolatier, with combinations that unique and different.

5.  Cheese From Laurent Dubois 

It is a must to have cheese in Paris, especially the cheese from Laurent Dubois in Paris.  As they are a MOF (Meilleur Ouvrier de France) in his culinary field of cheese-aging. Cheese consultant in shop will help you select the perfect cheese and capability of vacuum-sealing your cheese so you can bring it home!

Sources: Internet

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